
Lalla - not just la la land, we have a development ads here on TV it’s called Hank lala, I thought ...uhm in the slam dunk that Hank.

 Not the high heel you are not carefully display on the ground tilted ? Not the hair go on purpose die without doom? Not the blindness the powder drop or a blood in the shower you cannot see ...not the apology to say love suppose to be quest things, you don’t use quests you say required? College course or kingdom garden. Her size? There is only one definition ....not all that different versions of spinning the same stories. It’s just a story, mesmerizing, touch the heart, with a power to imagine another fairytale story, in the end it’s age grows, that door bell never sound, and all that lost were said before, it never will regain, it never revive, it never is, it never were...how pity human life is not eternal, being poetic about the coming, it’s to come, not to give up defensing walls, or else, it’s inner struggle of that lacking missing the affection to that man we love equal to God and be denounce as ...not ...one ...of ...us...was.

Babaji: well there is an india packs with the man gangs.

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