
Medical profession / medical students today exam, no, I don’t need to think or draft. I just talk to you today. It’s like the same thing everything day. /No, I don’t need these things written down, it’s an oral teaching if you go by memory,

 No, I didn’t need to prepare these talks. I know this stuffs so long ago. 8 years at least I am not doing that. Your exams? That’s talking. That’s not exam. I talk to you today in a sequence of the posts you are not processing your words your terms your basic, including your thought right on every single words I say. Zero. I don’t know what’s wrong with you. You could live like you don’t know these terms and be a doctor...some ethical people would never never never do those things with their earn money. You could live like that, it’s very very shameful. But if the Earth only I made it, I burn down all your face to darkness you will live exactly that day on I say so why you couldn’t look into the mirror you look like that. That’s not a vow, it’s a reality.

Babaji: yes.

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