
ADD Thor, your memory don’t last the last video has a seat, but curses ancients is Eon dark, ET is modern their skin smooth and shining high tech clean wipe galaxy to make a new space, CLEAN space means no dark.

 Lords of Ring and that ET can be separate in two posts. I heard that word twice...I didn’t repeat this video. I hear I stop, I write ...only that I listen twice, it’s Thor..whatever he meant, you never put Ancient Darkness knights cursed in an assemble to match makers these ET modernize our world today. Oh they know what they say ancient black curses, they ET built this worlds with the high tech meaning your new personal mall like Princess Diary, in Silicon Valley or me Egypt here, it’s sleek, it’s straight cut machine lines, it’s technically measures, it’s modern success of the civilization we built from scratch from Tesla 1900 time. You are not going to do me a favor to bring the dead back to call me Ancient prove, and you don’t go and tell ET the ancient better or they better. You cut them in two world apart like these two posts. You don’t talk about them, you don’t compare them in front of ET, you don’t pine for the old outdated records to the ET high speed download their Google arkashi library, you don’t question ET, you don’t argue with ET, you better just erase your ancient memory when you say to ET, they rule if they show up in front of you. They know how to study ancient but not talking to them straight provoking them on it. They know exactly what ancient meant. They didn’t start those words “ancient” “curses” “black magic” to build us a civilization here, so don’t ever do that to them. That’s in the movies, 4 points frames holding in, they are not going to coming out of it, they are seal, they are blocked, they are past, they are just a story, just a recording they air for their agenda here !! On Earth.

Babaji: Anna, very well said. 

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