
ADD they listen to my instruction, they are tall, they look great, they want comfer like food, not love, if I give them 10, they love luxury, and will get more if I say do what I say. I given you exactly the same thing you drop your parents and me.

 It’s on the TV. It’s ADD, I don’t need you, not you have a rebellion mind if your bf drop you, not if you show up works with the tear. ADD they are actors. They acting real or not real, they go to sleep, rest, next day, we start again. They like to work on things, they know they don’t make it anything. They wants to be part of the everyone’s work to do better. They do want to be independent to handle bigger things, if they put all ADD to just listen to Anna, til they die, that order is directly given by me, I don’t need you, any of you. It is on the TV, second times I say it very clearly. They are willing to be trained, they might have eye sight or not, they don’t bind by the books or things in the brain because they remember nothing. I need a model walk from this floor to that floor dressing white to look like this hospital this hour has a human in it, never a threat on the police records. No, these ADD is on my records, they will never be on the police jurisdiction, they live they breath by my saying, they eat they sleep by my liking...you? You want to get things. I tell you, they will get what they want. It’s on the TV, 3rd times I am saying that.

Babaji: yep.

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