
For example, I sit in a class, the front row, the most left, near the window, my peripheral is near the windows. Yes, I am tell you how to get out of the jail, they sent you to the class.

 The instructor will draw something on the board, a dot, a curve line, a circle. You look at the window hanging something a dot, a line and a circle. You look at the instructor and see she if looking at you, you look at that thing near the windows. She is not seeing you, she does not know that things are hanging on the near by windows right in front of me. You turn around the whole classroom, oh someone will know you are looking at where and turn around. You see no one raise their head up, they are just all writing the notes down from the instructor. If someone raise their head, you look at that person to look at you, but no one. The whole classroom has no one exist, no one, not even the instructor. You turn back to your desk. You just be like anyone else, that things the instructor does not know it’s on the window, she is saying everything on the told paper, so you follow everything she says that on, you don’t need the notes that much, you Scribble fast if you want but you just look at the ceiling, she draw triangle you look ...you look across the room, you scan the entire room, the air con behind you. It’s big, you can see with the eyes glasses. The back of her ceiling. You see light on or light off, you follow her saying exactly.

Babaji: then what happened ?

One day I saw my ID what color? I stand on the middle of the classroom shows that tag color, say I am not staying here, so I leave. I went already before to the subway girls say, does this place exist? She says NO! You suppose to whistle bell sounds, you cannot have anything don exist on the map they hospital sent you to, NO, if she told you that, get out !!

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