
⭐️⭐️⭐️That’s Venus business, not my business, they evolved to become serene, not that, not that, not that , not that .l..⭐️⭐️⭐️

 But okay, the story is her husband do that to me, I get up to go to him drunk on the table her wedding day, put him back her bed, tell both them hold each other sleeping.

Babaji: really? 斜眼瞪人

I ... become her, same thing. They know both of them know I have no heart. Yeah but I don’t cry with it if Eben does that ! I have to go and move him from the drunk table to the bed. It’s not the time to get like that, you are not losing your pride by lowering yourself to him no matter whom you are daughter Trump? Her father must be famous. It’s on our records our book, they represent Venus. That’s it. 

Babaji: I don’t care about your saying ? 斜眼瞪人

No, they both are not like that. They both are actors. No. I say no already. They evolved. But yeah if they show you he can do that...you think twice whom he chooses to marry to. Training a rubbish to become serene...that’s all your fantasy. Of course they know. But they are celestial elf means ? We will never have a martial artist congregation.

Babaji: say it

That’s the end I see them Karen, Adria, them. I don’t fall back. It was never is already. There is Venus him Frank, there is an ugly him 左冷蟬

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