
I go to sleep. It’s not a number you see 2. Ask Tibetan in years first to define basic entry methods. Not to say it’s a lineage holder ?

 You all now become a TV easy going random watching audience. I say 123 frames sailor moon easy simple cute and funny blinking your eyes and be cute. I can be cute and funny for the rest of my life to tell you I will be the only lineage holder ? Like Venus show you how many and the universe ? You don’t know how hard I really worked inside and outside against all odds in everything I do. Lineage holder has a strict discipline of themselves, highly motivated by themselves, solitude to say marriage yeah ...you are dealing Ola and Karen kind, don’t even touch the millionaire club their marriage try out rejection methods optimistic output groups ? Oh, I know what they can do. You are defining we look the same. We do things the same. If this zero things keep going ...I don’t know what we left to do not going to be minus to say no more zero? Yes military boss wants you to have a habit, discipline, clear it’s in speaking, observation, think before you talk, politeness,  etc etc...I was way looooong ago by pass that, so I told you to go to their authorize groups, the millionaires they are. I don’t do this teaching you how to get up early on time, doing make-up on Eben one hour routine everyday ? Or you brush your teeth before you go out? You fold your bed everyday first thing you get up? You lock your door when you go out? You check the heater still on so no more fire man calling me here saying we are different ? They need to call in here ? So many basic things Eben teaches or his friends teaches are available. Everyone professional will tell you why they exist in America. You don’t. They do. What’s between me and them relationship, that’s my business with them. If Ola and Karen are mature like I am, yes, their parents can try to say to them, go talk for Anna to build a good relationship with them. They cannot talk, they cannot act, they cannot think outside the box, do they even read Steve Jobs book to know Reed is online ? Their whom classmate ? Anna did worse...she ensure you will never open your mouth to talk again ...no one will ever do that to you Ola and Karen but she will do it just like she says so many things, you are not hearing it to live life. You are way too lazy to be princess crown. 

Babaji: fantasy fantasy, they don’t read Chinese to even know what other parts of the worlds saying things about them. 

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