
No, you see what they intend to put in there, NOT you assume they are not mental !! They are on the records you can see hear they talk not normal. They have nickname, everyone talk who they are

 People sit together, you gonna call me I go to get a group again ? I live in 4 people, yeah, we were not the group. That girl never leave the room, I one day start going outside in the center room, so there is Annca, there is a group, the boys or the girls. You gonna accuse me again ? That’s the hospital, I don’t go there making friends period !! You look at the whole room, if you so wish to make friends you look ALL. We all get lineup. They are standing as a bunch, someone is calling everyone’s name, you cannot understand Chinese anymore?

Babaji: yeah say again to this group things to Eben, you do things behind his back ?

I didn’t do anything behind his back. We sit on the table reading the magazine, I say this guy looks like Annca, I look like this blonde first girl, I was black hair, Annca doesn’t know I am a blonde but he knows he called me Anna. They all call me Anna. No one calls me my real name. There is a Nick name “emporor” I told him with that subway map, you are right here !! We then, never talk. I talk to Annca only because he is the one very very fluent in Chinese, very very smooth, unbelievable smooth. I cannot never imagine there is a guy who can talk? He says he does receptionalist, or shampoo...he brought us car in with advertisements booklet, ask me which car I like? I saw car I already blacken out. Seeing him I never stop blacken out. He says his gf took what away from him, he says how much money? He gives or he makes? I don’t want to hear about it. One day I saw a magazine again, the car gf with a crime? He was air blow his hair. We always talk he does his face make up cleaning box after the shower, he is so tall. He always air dry his hair there, so I put his magazine to his arm, we don’t talk anymore, this is your magazine. There is a crime in that magazine. We finish talking. 

Babaji: oh

I move next next by his room, one person living. I don’t need to look at that damn TV again, by how far meter all you gonna wear glasses and stand where I stand ? The edge or the couch behind, or the first seat at the table, NOT the display couch , then there is a table, there is a chair ..it’s NOT in the middle ? That tiny screen TV not flat screen? You all not going to make it. I know that.

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