
Star Gate - hey you, not this morning you the agent girls Karen or Ola ever know you meant to say, Bill Ryan, they see him says I don’t trust him there are 2 maps? Who says one? Can he read? No he is from outside space. Someone else is from outside space


No, I am not undercover. But I know he went to your platform, project Camelot, you told him or you told his boss or you tell NASA? Tillk? Minisotta ? Keanu’s movie? Right 3 Art is on my channel, but you are not supposed to tell somebody there is Tilk and a Minisodtta ? You know what’s 28? Venus +Neptune in the solar system counting methods in Chinese ? Tom, or Tim or whom that is say ancients ....not anxious ...because you don’t get any “all the memo” because it’s ancient ? And yeah, if they NASA suppose to go, outside, you blow up a star by destiny...she says you are ready to go. I didn’t say that, I bar down all has to go already. But this should be very intuitive. ...no, it’s how is Tom getting married ? I meant to say TIm? But we just had a bad crisis on the name between Sammy or Samuel, it’s not sam ....how long this air break buzz I have to push ...all the questions ADD push the Simon’s stage buzz, it’s every line I comments, you cannot hear it NASA? Mental instability, yeah, ask the “guys” , you don’t need them? It’s in your head. ADD, what’s a jello? It’s Prince Charles from now on a week might keep seeing that on his royal palace table to everyone pleasing, he owns a jello park forest has a forest fire...don’t know when, how, where, what’s gonna be...so he defines jello first not Jell-O shot Karen tries to murder ? Back in ADD dates month, year, time? Earth year please. If ADD next lines you see grey, you buzz that agent again, because Karen and ‘Ola cannot hear ....no, not rocks. If incoming debris big enough like you see tail, it’s a particular comet. Rocks got dissolve by the atmosphere, pebble got burn in the atmosphere, but Comet VERY BIG ROCK will land !!! Grey says “very” !! And followed is a “mission” or an “operation” word not by image by doing it, ADD?

Babaji: yeah right, Star space !

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