
We don’t have a pharmacy Major known although my high school volleyball did tell me her dream, but I didn’t know. Pharm is not Med, it’s a brand new reality with hope and not light, it’s p

 But it is a lighter looking. I don’t really know what that is. It’s not germ related. It’s not lab related. I already was in the lab. Everyone is in it not Meds then Pharm. it’s just a standard test. It’s completely unheard of, I never ask the advisor or anyone what that really is...we talk about it “you are pharmacy student ?” But it’s not I know the full picture of they have liscense issues, tests requirement if you are in the graduate school like bio 403, or they come from national level students might be from California or better family with more money background, they look different, they talk different. It’s a blank world ...I just need to make it. 

Babaji: did you plan to make it?

It’s a standard test first. 

Babaji: did you take the practice exam?

Possible I did.

Babaji: how many times?

It’s only one book, you write once. You ask me that, I will get shock, that’s not ...right. 

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