
Taiwan - oh dear that song ....better you all cannot hear anyway, you all try girls out and ? Not my version story to look for money and die in the mansion like a castle for real?


No, I don’t know. I was too busy. It’s not a very catchy script to me Western coming back. You all don’t dress like that anyway. You read the comic books here in Taiwan? Bought them? No, the story I tell is to India...but you all try out the Cinderella glasses shoes? It’s ...transparent meant 琉璃 meant ? You don’t put that on the foot means. Yeah Queen might have one to wear, too heavy no? What? The girls whom they did these? I don’t imagine things. Those are acting for the guys, they are not the real guys acts. The real face of a guy they if like you, don’t do these money you have no skills things to feel so dummy ...yesh if it’s Trump’s family. What ? The grand pa kills or suffer to look at it ...you have to talk in a real sense of a reality. Fine...what can I do for you? Explain they have a feeling upper class? They drink a lot or gambling a lot included with their family money type of guys or you look for that ages of their mommy boys guys family inherited tutor manner guys? She likes 4 them, that’s wrong. They all know that. Deep down you like 4, they want you to pick that said one, not that Hank one. He has another TV with Tina fantasy. No, you want 4 to lay you attention, you cannot see they are different characters to hold your grand pa business together better to boss everyone around ? Yeah, that one.

Babaji: all got mix up.

Yesh, I can tell.

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