
The US guys are always on draft anytime anyhow, it’s better you be with an old guy. Yes, when I was with Nick, they set up others at the same times, young to old

 I heard they do that. But I don’t know what they ask to be evaluate. I told Eben, me and Nick is finished. They other things treat old not genuine. I carry basket water for his gout. I put or I dump baking soda in there. It’s for him. That I don’t know if those young do it. Maybe the break up they certainly do it. How much they grow I don’t know. But there are commonality among the average them, after 10 years to look at the young guys are shit. It might be the generation different too. They don’t have things we have today. Nick does not play computer games. He does not curses words. He does not need Kararoke. He read books, he improves. He likes to improve. And he never lazy. He cleans. He has to care for his kids. The details I don’t know what happen to the others young girls did, they suppose to follow exact words or do or say in fine details to be with the guy, or unless they are told as long as you be with the old guy, do what you want. Just my suggestion you look at my background.

Babaji: yes.

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