
Apparently you are not buried yet ...


Do you know what the Rao sequence represents like a shape like a sequence like a serial numbers God calling you? Yeah, I just added the 3rd thing in, the serial number ideas, you gonna write it down and figure it out? 

Is Rao sequence multi-dimensional on your current machine to be ready to tested ? Whom to go to? Can you call ET up?

Can you actually use the PCR related Mayo Clinic equoiment not to scatter the nucleotide or Chromosome ..,you explode the cell open, so there are scatters chromosome...do you do that on the nucleotide examination ? How can they ever be 3D? You use liquid methods because that’s universal to explode the cells open, can you do by air ?

Does your people clear on terms I say so far? Or it’s just looking at the new name on your species name tag for high tech ID card to guess more ?

Babaji: yeah, right.

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