
You are girls who hear I say wants to ask me when the guys heard you say that or behave, they hate you ?

 They know you don’t love them. They know you prefer staying in the girls crowds like I was with Karen, Adria, Emily, Melinda...if Dean accuses me Karen and they are my friends ...I cannot really answer him if I ever say much words to Karen, she ends up in my land. I never ask her when she returns, I know her parents. Their parents probably think I was very funny to tell them a story in front of so many people except I never talk to Karen face to face a word much. Don’t know what that means ? Well...you want to be with the girl when these gays laws happens, they know you will get together with the girls more and more. But I say to you, if two girls emotionally unstable, it’s super dangerous in one room. No, the outside is safe, you are safe in the US. No you don’t need to do what I do, I migrant when I see the house empty, they are not empty, I am just overreact. No, they don’t care if you lick girls. I say, you two get mad to each other will KILL each other and die ! You won’t ? Oh okay, I am overreact.

Babaji: you ever overreact ?

... ... anything else ?

Babaji: Eben

He must be in a very strange place. I cannot understand what he says til the last ...all are witches ? Love potion, perfume , worst ?

Babaji: Eben

? What about Eben ?

Babaji: Eben 

We end the conversation ?

Babaji: Eben

I cannot understand it.

Babaji: Eben

He says last days.

Babaji: Eben

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