
Facebook the future movie industry if I am not here, teens you

 You worry already in the future one day I am not here, you cannot keep the good high skills people in human resource in the military, and the movie spins gonna be out of hands ? I am with Babaji, although it’s just two of us, it’s still a lot of help.

Babaji: They are saying we are useful once a while. 

I know Purna deep enough to know what’s on the screen when calling her, you know the ‘’memory problems” seems to be a dilemma. It doesn’t matter how notorious me and Babaji are, pain to the ass, we are the strongest ?

Babaji: That’s well said.

And the people came down with me? Like Prince William and Prince Harry similar age. And Eben, Simon, Keanu and others ....so these people are important. 

Babaji: Very important. They never know it’s so important like this.

When the times comes near I am too old, I will think of something. Maybe not right now to talk about helping. 

Babaji: They talk behind if they can revive me alive.

I don’t think so. 

Babaji: They cannot trust nobody.

I know.

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