
⭐️⭐️⭐️Facebook Tamang W two worlds Dean’s age old ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 I know what I says.

Babaji: what does it says?

Dean’s age is not old, reverse to Tamang’s age position like Ancient Chasez.

Babaji: What happened between you and Tamang?

He left. He got into a school in the South of Florida. One of those Islands. Medical school.

Babaji: you don’t like what he did?

If you want to tell me something about them, you can just ask me.

Babaji: I am asking you you don’t like what he did? 

He just being interviewed by the magazine. I don’t really know what words he was saying it the cancer. But I heard what he said. He just doing his jobs.

Babaji: He is an Indian mix and his birthday is the One birthday. You have a very interesting outing from the Kentucky all the way to Buffalo.

If you want tell me how I feel my life been this far ...

Babaji: I don’t want to hear about it.


Babaji: You don’t want to teach others telepathy between me and you how these conversation takes places?

You mean they tear apart every sentence how you and I have a response coming from what points you and me are one? So I am guessing your will like they do so?

Babaji: Precisely.

I already try yesterday. I don’t like that. The eternity thing just should hand it to the guys, it shouldn’t be a too much of problems.

Babaji: I am asking you now, you and Tamang telephatic problem

... I don’t have anything to do with him anymore. India wants him back, that’s entirely their domains. Actually I already said to them each before, it’s their country where all their parents from will do to that claiming. People interested in them, so there is them.

Babaji: I said it again, it’s you and Tamang telepathic problem.

I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Me and him has no problem.

Babaji: oh yes, I think you do.

He is not on my Facebook. 

Babaji: and?

Adam is not on my Facebook. Happy?

Babaji: No.

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