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 You cannot wait to follow the movie effects or emotion to tell which George married to a lawyer like Clooney or Huge Grant that “You are the most selfish person on the planet”? Or it’s every movies line you all look behind, the very last line of your defense formation it’s me turning black on every words or conversation they say? “ Try to be the person you should be?” ‘Why don’t you be the person you supposed to be?” To which CHASEz on your list simply by my story ? You want to stand on the last line of the defense formation ? Or the first one got hit anywhere it doesn’t matter which lines it is? By authority ?

Babaji: I can never think of what day is today.

It’s Friday.

Babaji: they think you do on purpose.

On purpose then what? Foul line they stay on its their own head problem.

Babaji: you do know the speakers list.

 I saw in my head this morning. I talked about them.

Babaji: So you are doing it on purpose, 

No not directly to them. If I would look at the list next time.

Babaji: oh Eben might think you are doing it on purpose just not sure which point you started to be so edge ?

That’s none of his business.

Babaji: It’s exactly his business. 

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