
Facebook the Bible

 I heard.

Babaji: What did you hear?

They are skillful workers on the Bible area.

Babaji: You sure to lose them?

I am not losing them, I just don’t want to have anything to do with them.

Babaji: you didn’t really go to that much of places anyway.

You were saying ?

Babaji: He read your book.

Yeah, I asked him about Hebrew not the entire book he might know. I ask Dr. Gabriel where can I get this Hebrew done?

Babaji: and he says?

Learn it. 

Babaji: I don’t think that’s what he says.

.. ...

Babaji: Eben would know if they both works ?

Dr STeven and Dr Gabriel ? Probably. I actually didn’t watch their video that much. They show up on the SMTV...

Babaji: You just decide to call them.

Yes. I have something needs to ask them or get it done. 

Babaji: Your Tamang problem with India, if he ...

There is no if he. I don’t really want to complicate any more of this life things.

Babaji: how do you and Dr. Gabriel met in the Flower Thousand Bone.

He was one of the lineage holder to join the meetings.

Babaji: so you do know he is presence. 

In the TV, with a frame hook on the wall.

Babaji: What happened between you and him? Because everyone can see it.

I don’t remember exactly. There is something I think he has a method that you as a girl can extract some medicines to cure my poison issues. But it didn’t work, in the TV.

Babsji: so you just drop everything? You know he is a doctor ?

My poison is my own poison things. I have to open the movies just like everyone behind is doing it. So if there are other poisons in it, it’s not that I enjoy it.

Babaji: I said it again. There is 法器...

You actually believe this things they talk about has anything to do with the reality he Dr Gabriel owns a 卜元鼎?and you need it?

Babaji: I am very important.

I see what you are saying. But I don’t want to deal with that. 

Babaji: There is Tamang’s medicine. It means there are a lot of medicines issues.

To be honest ...

Babaji: I don’t want to hear about this anymore. You do it, you get it done, so we continue having this Flower Thousands bones, do you hear me, I don’t want to hear anymore words of this you me argument on this. That’s me, that’s you. I need something, you suppose to thought of this long time ago. Not later. Not it’s not function, not this there is no use. I don’t want to hear any of these you don’t find me things. It’s on the television, I say, then you do. That’s it.

Anything else?

Babaji: you want to watch?


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