
Facebook 2003 Swann

 Swami, swan, blue red pill, Charlie , the one ...Queen is not the One? Swann is a strange last name. It’s too close to 2000. There is a curse, love, child, long distance sunset, distant. Isn’t what a cursed child like Harry Potter ? No, don’t know. 2016. That’s not Prince Harry marriage yet. They are trying to escape curses by any means the way I look so far it happened ?

Babaji: What has happened you see?

... ... They started with a trap. They walk straight in to have Lake House time shifting or her Kate memory problems? He is old....they draw the same age. April April ....I just deal with a bunch of impair human these few years. They ask me when a women could start loss of their memory if they don’t use their brain ? I don’t actually know. I say stays close to the guys. 

Babaji: You have a feeling or they have a feeling and you both side might be thinking of the same things ...

Uhm. Possible.

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