
Facebook I don’t mess up their life as long as they don’t mess up my life ?

 Do you know you have a severe bad attitude problem to judging everyone else attitude problems ? Do you actually believe it’s that reason I DONT control their life or they control my life? They will be the ones controlling my life !!! You didn’t understand so far? They have money, they have house, they got a car, they got more man power. I got what? A ipad? That’s not controlling my life? You all girls reading the romance novels yet? I haven’t ! I started to doubts...because I only go by the comic book. Do I want to know what garbage in those novels you REALLY could sit all day long reading it and hoping the guy will act like they are? Or like Keanu acting the Lake House exactly like Alex talking to whom? You don’t feel funny to see them talking on the porch ? Keanu doesn’t know what I think that’s ...no comments? You can not see that girl is waiting him to talk, is an actually sad person ? Trying to get someone talk and see how patience you really get ! It’s just a simple reply, you have to wait it whole day? It’s not your nature to be shy? Be mysterious ? Yeah, try that with Keanu.

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