

 I am not stopping you, tell me what you need to tell Eben.

Babaji: first, you didn’t have sex with me since when.

After I left the valley living in the hotel.

Babaji: what do I tell you to get the money?

To go to STeve Jobs.

Babaji: did you do it?

No, he was already dead.

Babaji: what year was that?

2016 Feb or March started, April, May, June.

Babaji: which verse Bible shall Eben look like for ?

Maybe you should look for I heard there was 3.5 years in tribulation.

Babaji: looking for what?

The missing time we didn’t have sex.

Babaji: how he defines sex?

Real sex. Penetration, movement, and getting wet.

Babaji: do you feel it?

Sometimes it’s like stick in, most time it’s not that. It’s a drugged state. I have to turn around like from the back. Now, I just solve by hand, he might use Red River story to do a role play. That long hair women me. The brother, Kail and Ramses. Playing games.

Babaji: does it count?

He says no count.

Babaji: do you believe it now the Bible says it very clear?

That’s why I tell Eben.

Babaji: what’s the language ?

All kinds. I don’t think I can say it. I know roughly there are words can be said. And now I forget most of them.

Babaji: are you going to say words with Eben.

I don’t know what excited him words.

Babaji: are you going to do it? (Yelling)

... maybe.

Babaji: what’s a sex mean?

To have pleasure.

Babaji: how many drugs?

If he were you or if it’s followed the FDA, I read them. It doesn’t look working.

Babaji: I said how many drugs?

Just all the time he doesn’t care.

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