Babaji: Tell me how does this telepathy works again ? You type and they trust your hearing problem.
I don’t have a hearing problem.
Babaji: those are not your hearing problems, then what it is?
I was just not looking.
Babaji: just happened I looked today, or it everyday you are not looking? He doesn’t know about you have an inner game so eager to play?
I don’t have an inner game. I am just looking at them without giving much thoughts.
Babaji: It’s EVERYDAY from when?
I don’t remember.
Babaji: you don’t watch the Eternal Love when they show it to you?
You just want to ask me how the telepathy works? I can explain to them. I have explained it before.
Babaji: One day you gonna shut off this device to face him, and where will I be at screaming ?
My head.
Babaji: how does this gonna look to him you don’t look right ?
I haven’t thought of that far, I take one thing at a time.
Babaji: this is how you think, “as long as the guy don’t show up”
You have to pick a time like now to make a big fuss between me and Eben? I haven’t got an email yet.
Babaji: you could read the old ones. People care about his email wrote them down. You?
I didn’t think he was serious maybe. Maybe I thought he is a very nice guy, as long as we talk...
Babaji: you then what? Can you meet his eyes when you talk to him?
Two weeks, just give me two weeks.
Babaji: you don’t want to monitor what he is doing ?
I am a little busy here.
Babaji: he does not have a glue how i co-exist with you, he has NO IDEAL I spent what efforts to call upon you that you don’t response.
I am responding and being here to let everyone knows you are like a ghost to me and airing a live ghost version of story/show - that’s a Bible tale becomes true. I think I look good by doing this? I don’t even care anymore what others think of this anymore. Every day I open my eyes in the morning is to think I am King of Kings, Lord of Lords? I HAD a life!
Babaji: you had a JUNK life. You don’t solve the crisis here, who would, Uhm? It’s every word I say so, it’s every bites the cake I say so, it’s whom I say so.
Today ...can I off from the rest of the day?
Babaji: going somewhere.
Maybe lay down a bit. I am not feeling to well.
Babaji: you are feeling TOTALLY FINE.
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