
Babaji : he saw a photo of him next by a kiss. Do you think it’s insulting him quality or you think he wants to kiss you ?

 The reality didn’t happen. Why I even think of it? 

Babaji: everyone saw that. So does he look at it have a felt?

If you didn’t ask me to post it ...

Babaji: with the rest of missing thumbnails.

He does not need to explain to me anything. I know he didn’t post that. 

Babaji: some people needs a lot of explaination like what did he do behind if YouTube doing that.

Can a life be simpler without these complicated reasons how I should just look at the video for a leisure purposes. 

Babaji: I want you to think hard why YouTube doing that. 

I have receive another 7 clips looks with kisses on the phone. I gonna make a fuss the ipad and the phone all look different?

Babaji: did you check it out?


Babaji: why not ? You can tell Eben all you see were intimacy.

They just talk to me for a reason, I don’t need Eben to know about it.

Babaji: to suffer at it? Others apparently don’t think like that? 

I am not suffered at it. I just know it’s bliblical. They saying it straight forward. They don’t hide it, I don’t hide it. 

Babaji: then watch it.

Fine....it’s gone now.

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