
⭐️ Babaji: what’s the liscense plate says? ⭐️

 ABC 3528

Babaji: what does that mean?

When Eben turns 52. He is 49 years old now.

Babaji: better attitude. If next time, you gonna be so full of yourself, that Eben’s book, in fact, I just give him that authority already, to date time when you displease him with your attitude problem so there are sex games I want to see on the table. 

... ...

Babaji: you don’t dare to say or it’s either case me and him can both write you on the book. I have a stacking up books since the day we met. The bed business I am not happy. 

I see

Babaji: you want to say you live what you wanted 3 years it’s 3 years or it’s 2 and half years.

No, I am not thinking anything.

Babaji: you talking or I am talking. 


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