
Babaji: you are pretending

 I am not pretending. I wrote a clear email and I told him I am not comfortable with him just for now.

Babaji: I said you are pretending you are pretending. 

What exactly you have a right to tell me “if I am pretending”? I am the one writing him an email. I talked like I suppose to talk. I explained thing like I should explained.

Babaji: if you want to tell lies, you go somewhere else. You have a feeling you just hate this guy for some reason. Either because he can see through you or your peaceful day is about over. You knew you have to see people. You hate to see the public, you hate that you hate that you hate it. He is a type you cannot talk and win over an argument, so you just keep unleashing on me, throwing glasses on the wall.

I am not throwing the glasses on the wall. I am not unleashing on you.

Babsji: I am talking or you are talking ?

You are. I don’t want to talk about this anymore. 

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