
Ground 1

 Babaji: you went back to ground 1.

They know there is WWI and WWII, so they thought about to care my welfare a little bit, to be thoughtful what I don’t want like that kinda of sex ideas. 

Babaji: what was the porn says yesterday?

One with the argument, the other is Reeves.

Babaji: why would they show you a title if they aren’t serious? Why would you not thinking Eben meant real when he put stuffs in your mouth, it’s in the email, you didn’t delete it, so you can look at one time, two times, three times what he says. 

I know what he says. 

Babaji: you praying to the next email he would not say it?

... ... can we 

Babaji: Bible verse are not arguments. They are the facts. 

Everyone preaches the word Jesus loves you in all kinds of seminar, Sunday church, or crowd congregation. Now I gonna tell everyone I don’t have a heart and you are worse, heartless.

Babaji: I thought you don’t care about the people anymore.

Until you put the wedding of the Lamb in front of me, saying these front row seats like that’s where all the behind people gonna shows up Eben’s talk if I am with him. If I have to access to public, I have to act like them. Talking or listening like I pay attention to them.

Babaji: do you really thought of the final judgement to that SMCH?

I would think it’s after this life.

Babaji: the book fact is Eben making it one wedding with you in it. 

What were you saying before if something doesn’t go by the book?

Babaji: we’ll see.

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