
Purple Opportunity

 I heard he used to have a routine before and after he got married. 

Babaji: jealous? What do you mean by that routine?

You cannot possible have a man on sex subjects all routines that important. There are quick things they do in the video.

Babaji: did you ever have sex?


Babaji: and?

You have to wash up in the morning, made the bed, go to the kitchen and ready for lunch if morning just had fruits. 

Babaji: I meant sex.

There is no point.

Babaji: There are a lot of points.

That’s too exaggerating whatever they put the eggs in the woke. 

Babaji: I don’t think someone thinks that’s too exaggerating. Why don’t you tell Eben you spy on him, you feel funny what was him doing that green things. Only you know Tro is green and shock you to erase him from the mailing list, how can he know you get your email back to his list to write all that?

It does smell funny. That’s why I look. I remember what I was busy at. I was using his opportunity video to open a competition saying called slow motion. I was saying the Chinese drama and by the way saying he is in it. 

Babaji: He was spying on you?

I won’t deny that. I said cloak man and reptilian. I didn’t say they are Tro, did I ?

Babaji: I don’t remember. You don’t remember. 

I thought he was one of them. So many things shocking me at the same time. He was introducing himself. First time I ever heard about whom he says he did in life. But I don’t think I watch that video much. Were we bad time?

Babaji: you forget, we just got married. He says he is the One.

I would ask him about that. That was not him I know that. But when I saw it, I remember how I felt. 

Babaji: how you feel?

He was saying he did all that I describe ? That’s not possible. That’s Keanu young version. 

Babaji: he knows you saw him!

Of course I saw him. 

Babaji: and now you have to be with him, imagine how a man feels.

... ...like he was forced to?

Babaji: did he have a choice?

Don’t play games with me. I don’t buy in those things. He did do something, whatever he was doing it must be him doing it. 

Babaji: Maybe.

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