
Bible story - Resonance

 Do you like to hear about Rockfeller and TEsla? Do you like to hear about Ruthschild ? Do you like to hear about Westinghouse? Do you like to hear about Edison? Don’t care about the fighting, do you like to hear about it? Somehow you feel it? How do you feel this big umbrella branch of people coming down at the same times as the industrialists and investors ? How do you feel this Era you found out no Rockefeller information with Tesla but I say he is right next by. Do you like it ? Do you just feel so? Do you want to know about it? No matter if they do big things or not. For example, Yogananda also introduce a list of characters in the books, on the photo and in the tales. They are sects or religions? If they bring back the story , do you feel it? Do you want to know about it? Your somewhat feelings towards the character charts like resonance with your life almost to become a part of it. Your sense, the whole caste members. Why you feel resonance ? Lists.

Babaji: You forgets about me already.


Babaji: I am still here (glooming)

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