
Bible Book - 5 major religions

 Like the Buddhism’s in the worlds right now this era is growing as one of the fastest trend. They have branch covered by Indian Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism, Japanese Zen, Big wheel Buddhism, Small Wheel Buddhism. (You need to lists all of them) - massage places are all Buddhists statues, the belief system in New Age how much percent is Buddhism territory. They received as Me = Buddha to lead in this era. The other 4 major religions are not heard of. Right now. I have not heard anything. So you have lists me as what characters, what personality, what traits, what orderly order she could do, how efficient ....for the Bible Christian country side those normal Bible citizen to read about this and get a saying. Get a saying like what do they feel about that heard in Buddhism Top leader returns. What do they expects their Top returns, or already here now. I am saying like Muslin or other religions seeing all these, have to compare and make a “law” saying what has to be done their Top leaders returns. They know the modern kids will do lies, tricked, get love, steal, day dreams... okay, so what do they become not tolerant towards a leader coming back. Understand ?

Babaji: they say they understand. 

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