

 Babaji: started with there is an argument. 

There is an argument. Because it’s me and Babaji argument, if Eben comes in, he fuck’s Babaji’s wife=How to say this =Satan, under the Bible -Revelation 20:7

Babaji: and horse and the throne?

3 guys like we uses Red River in the 3 places. One in Kail palace bed, one is under the tree picnic Zannanza, and Ramses at the garden bench/throne top.

Kail fucking the girl says “where did you go today?” They are fucking at the same time, her long curls hair reply, “to picnic horse riding.’ Kail “is that hard?” She moan”it’s very hard, horse top is hard.”,

‘Where you been fucking with Ramses ?” ‘On the top” “top like this?” “No, I am on the top of his...”

You can imagine the word, need to find the writers. 

Babaji: what did Eben say?

There is another person on the line.

Babsji: are you going to email him?

I don’t think so.

Babaji: you should.

No, I am not. 

Babaji: you scared? By his people?

If we can pass by each day like I used to, one day two day three days ...one year, 2 year, 3 year...

Babaji: like you run away with Keanu? Eben knows?

I have my hope up. Maybe he didn’t mean it. Not everyone had to listen to you.

Babaji: I said if you lost your deal ...

Can I hope he didn’t mean it? Maybe I was too serious the last few days. They maybe just throw in the garbage like they should.  Our communication ended.

Babaji: you don’t know whom Eben is.

You actually believe my life gonna turn upside down ?

Babaji: I think you should find a way to talk to Eben. 

He meant the video? (Pale)

Babaji: read it again 

It’s just a person said he received the email. I feel so fooled of myself. I thought of that already.

Babaji: tell him here. I am here.

No. I just don’t need to think any of this anymore. 

Babaji: tell me why he did that?

I sent too many emails, the system rebounded.

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