
Do you think ....

 Babaji: do I think if Eben went ahead divorce or at least separate it or tell his office it yet?

... ...

Babaji: you worry about him?

If even we don’t go ahead, I didn’t really ...

Babaji: Told him they could just do Sandy Hook Elementsry shooting to his office and he gonna lose it all?

Because I just leave him there by himself saying there is a signature on the TV. I was afraid to tell him to scare them. The office girl doesn’t seem to know. Then one that replies. 

Babaji: How come when it comes to tell things to others, you don’t seem to be able to say it?

To tell him his choice has a question mark?

Babaji: you can let him judges that, not you do all the thinking for everyone. 

I still wishing him the best.

Babaji: you want to tell him when that massacred women order came.

Once I told them, they made into the magazine but I lost the dates and the magazine. Probably 2016/2017

Babaji: did you check if the street people dead?

I did. The girls are still around. My mother stills around.

Babaji: did you see your mother get killed?

I did but it was an analogy and later I saw the movie Prince of Persia that guy near by the prince, shorter got kill. When the times returns, he says, “Pete you are here?”

Babaji: so you want to tell Eben, it’s not because you don’t have a heart. If too many of these operation is near by.

I become very realistic. 

Babaji: and COVID 19?

I worries. The numbers I cannot see there is an exit.

Babaji: they would know for sure Judgement is not kidding things. 

Anyone says it’s a kidding things?

Babaji: you never know people’s attitude when they hear you me talking, why Babaji is even important. It’s just a Legand and myth what Shiva, destroyer or Babsji, the ultimate meaning has a very literal historical saying. 

You will give Eben time, right?

Babaji: I think if he says he knows he knows. People like them aren’t as stupid as you think.


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