
Facebook I know I am watching the cooking Italian food here but ...it does not feel right neither.

 Babaji: what do you feel not right neither ?

The Facebook with the cooking food. I felt Eben they don’t need me to cook. That feeling is real. This design if there is a Facebook and there is a serious ....whatever has to be done...I don’t think the cooking food is right neither. I have to re-do all these ...

Babaji: I would suggest to have some food on the photo.

I know what you are saying. I am not feeling right, I don’t care what they say to me on the YouTube. Something is not right. Cooking is like provoking, do you mean to provoke but not doing it with the cooking ?

Babaji: I mean cooking, real cooking.

No...something is not right with my design

Babaji: then make it right.

You can not make me do everything in one day. You are already assume I am going to England. I prefer step by step. These photo set up don’t take long to make.

Babaji: Okay, you are done with the Facebook ?


Babaji: No, I am not done.

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