
Facebook account

 Babaji: you afraid Eben to see you have no friends or hearing me you have a past what that means?

I have friends.

Babaji: Sometimes people lie about it, they have friends. 

I don’t really know them.

Babaji: like you don’t really know Eben or Wallace, or Mark or Simon or 5 Lord?

Can you tell me where you going with this I had a past in the school.

Babaji: you know how you met Simon, Keanu and the rest of them including ma’am Ching Hai?

On the internet.

Babaji: so I am asking you again, where do all these people come from on your Facebook ?

We met all from the school, a state school.

Babaji: They are local?

Yes many of them are from the local.

Babaji: oh....do you know the military or the classify they play the Facebook too?

Why you drag the classify last page in my words? 

Babaji: why you don’t want to talk about them.

I think military words in general is fine.

Babaji: you don’t explain or asking Eben to ask you to explain?

Okay, there is classify. I know they exist, doesn’t mean we know each other.

Babaji: like the rest of the people you just know them exist, you don’t know each other?

Can you make your point quick? What is that my Facebook account to do with the military OR classify?

Babaji: do you tell Justin, Dean is on the Secrets ?

I thought I already clear that before to everybody.

Babaji: the time you need to tell Justin, this is not the time?

I already gives a lot of account on Dean. If he has it, he has it.

Babaji: ok-ay then.

... ... what about it?

Babsji: what about it what?

My Facebook?

Babaji: you are the one going to Prince William on his wife Facebook account, like he never knows what’s a Facebook account meant to anyone because you don’t have one?

I had a Facebook account.

Babaji: if I were only 5 friends on the Facebook, I wouldn’t go and say to Prince, your wife has a Facebook account issues.

Everyone has the friends on the Facebook, okay ? Can we done with this?

Babsji: no, we are not done. 

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