
Facebook are we done yet with the Facebook?

 Babaji: no we are not done (eating stuffs)

... ... Eben wants to know or other wants to know where I collect them on the Facebook?

Babaji: do you actually know the Facebook is a battle field ?


Babaji: Popularity contest.

I don’t think so.

Babaji: It is so, I am telling you. Even the big company when they do the hiring, they will look at your Facebook before hiring you. 

I didn’t hear they ask me where is my Facebook. 

Babaji: you don’t have a Facebook, in the future you are unlikely to get a job.

Great. Now I know.

Babaji: People spent a lot a lot a lot of time looking at the Facebook no matter how old they are. You however on the other hand never use that damn Facebook. 

I did use!! What did you mean I don’t use?

Babaji: Adding Eben as a friend?

He doesn’t have a Facebook, they have pages.

Babaji: you sure he doesn’t have a Facebook in case you don’t know what he was working on behind?

I have an ipad, that’s all I have, in case he does not know outside my room every single day is this Rockfeller ..I just show her one Porcelin doll video Taiwanese she can understand the song ...I feel the air ...not just I have to work here. I have a Rockfeller crisis. She asked me what I have been watching laterly ...

Babaji: 你把她騙的團團轉

I didn’t do that.

Babaji: yes you did. 

Okay Eben has a Facebook. So?

Babaji: and you don’t.

If you so desperately for me to get my Facebook back, it’s just through connection I can go pull some strings to see who left on the Facebook. It has been how many years I graduate from the university ....the college friends? Eben didn’t go to college I remember.

Babaji: Simon went to a college.

Okay they have Facebook so?

Babaji: they know how the Facebook works.

I don’t know where we going with this.

Babaji: Everyone is on the Facebook.

I don’t want to get into this. Most people they don’t update things.

Babaji: you think they don’t update things. You about to have a wedding.

That? Can I wait til I talked to Eben?

Babaji: can I wait til you fuck Eben?

I don’t understand this, you have so much to say, all day we are doing is this Facebook of my past ...

Babaji: because everyone is on everyone’s Facebook.

You want me to call to the back military to see what they are doing with my Facebook ?

Babaji: you should have done that long time ago, when we first have this conversation. 

The data just images focus on they look on the big monitor in front of them, I cannot see a thing. They have to analyze the data, don’t know what they are doing that “analyzing” the data, there are papers in their hands, so they have printed stuffs.

Babaji: of course they have printed stuffs.

.... ... are we done?

Babaji: Not yet.

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