
Facebook I am uneasy with that ...

 Babaji: You what? Then don’t do it. 

... ...maybe it’s my imagination about these Prince William things, their circles? That’s a palace thing, far away from it all.

Babaji: you want to hide Facebook past from Eben?

This is very cruel to them, my friends they know Dean.

Babaji: and it’s all that not cruel to you ?

I get used to it all these years, they have no combat skills. I know what to tell them all. I know, but it’s I can feel it’s cruel. They gonna be cut in pieces many pieces.

Babaji: Many many many many people know Justin and JC story or Dean’s story or whatever stories you brought to light, everyone is all got cut in pieces, many thousand pieces. 

You are too exaggerating about these.... I talk to Eben and see. I am not comfortable about getting a Facebook again. They cannot handle it.

Babaji: You need that circle of trust from Prince

That’s what shown to me, that I have not asked him or seen him. 

Babaji: well...you decide. 

Okay, I will. 

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