

 I don’t know ...

Babaji: sex.

We talked about it already.

Babaji: not with her, with you.

I don’t think there is anything to talk about it.

Babaji: women are different creature.

You mean she got jealous over Meghan because she also goes for fashion as her signature.

Babaji: Maybe. If Prince Willaum let you meeting her, what you gonna do?

I am sure Eben is with me, so we introduce each other, or Eben would. 

Babaji: do you envision that?

No. I just automatically think the guys have a tendency to tell things to their wife’s . If that day does not come, that’s okay. I am afraid they do that. If they don’t, I am perfectly fine.

Babaji: oh !

Why would I think Prince William will do that? To be honest we are not even 40 yet. So over next 20 years, he still gonna be 60. If people know each other for so loooong ...I just don’t think guys like them sitting there doing nothing type. They could have a life that’s not on the media. 

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