
Facebook you want Dean to know, I don’t want him to know.

 Babaji: you don’t want Justin to know or for him to look for Dean and still telling him about and meet you in the room?

No, I don’t need that. I check back and front, these girls I used to be friends will be cut. 

Babaji: They were already cut.

.... Listen, I can live without Dean knows or not.

Babaji: you want to see him alone in the room to have a minute. 


Babaji: then give him a chance.

These making are for him to get cut he runs like I run “This is my life” to Sugar but I am the one getting married to Eben. Yeah, where do I get that version make? My mind made it. I can do all that. But it’s not necessary. I feel it’s better let it all go.

Babaji: so you are okay you are not going to see him ever?


Babaji: that’s not everyone whom gone to college with the reunion to have a night treat.

That’s enough. I don’t feel good these gadgets I make to display on the Facebook. Not at all.

Babaji: you could display to the whole world, everyone is looking at it.

I don’t feel comfortable and I am not clear about this far away palace thing. They need a report, I give them a report, don’t ever come back again. 

Babaji: that’s what you think?


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