
Facebook I am not comfortable, this design somehow is not right. Something is not right.

 Babaji: I wonder what can it go wrong, you just report back what you found out while you were missing from so many years.

No, these design I think not like this, I don’t need to put Dean’s story on it. Getting married invitation is fine, the rest of that is not fine.

Babaji: oh?

I don’t like this Facebook thing on and on about my schooling time, today I saw the video title on Kate, how she becomes a Queen’s road from college students. It’s very strange read! There are people never grow out of the school. Period.

Babaji: your brother.

Yeah, you hang out with all the college friends, this is ... very very strange to me after I run around the whole world this far, I can tell you that. I know many people need that, but that’s very very limited. Very very narrow. And you say Eben they guys want to know my past on the Facebook? It does not make sense. They are professional people, they don’t know how these college people look like? Everyday glue on the Facebook caring about things that don’t go out and get it or change it.

Babaji: if you are not comfortable then don’t do it. 

I can still have a Facebook but not that design ...

Babaji: Okay.

... ... you okay?

Babaji: Yep.

... ...

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