
Facebook you do animation how I burn things down ?

 Babaji: too exaggerating too exaggerating ...

I burn things down alone?

Babaji: imagine what does that looks like to them? 🔥 

That was so looong ago. My brother has loads of friends in the university, why do you go and chase them?

Babaji: when is your brother came to the US?

Freshman in high school.

Babaji:oh, you don’t see it difference ?

Not really, we both speak in English fine.

Babaji: what do you say about your Facebook friends again?

I didn’t say anything about them.

Babaji: did you add everyone on the Facebook?

... ... I don’t know what you mean everybody.

Babaji: I mean people desperately needs others to add in their Facebook that desperately. 

After I join SMCH, I added a lot a lot a lot unknown people, if that SMCH would tell me how she knew about Ukrain, I would assume she’s uses Facebook too. 

Babaji: I mean your college friends.

I don’t add students if that’s what you mean.

Babaji: they are lower than you are or what?

They are younger.

Babaji: oh, how many you think it’s sent in for that damn Victoria Secrets 911 turns gold stuffs with Ocean?

No idea 

Babaji: oh ~

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