

 Babaji: that’s the issue, Anna.

... you call my name too often like this is ??

Babaji: because I am talking to you, Anna

Can you all actually see in the bathroom ? I know it’s not a thing to me but do you take your contacts out, how did you wash your contact and put it back? You clean them right? Like you have to be like a chemist ...your arm, your body has to be fast...what’s the word flexible to coordinate what you doing if your bathroom is small? Do you like to take a shower? I used to have this friend Melinda would take a shower before we go out and when she sat in the car, you could smell all the fragment from the shower. I would wish I could copy that ...no matter how much things I dump...there is nothing works, or you would tell me to use lotion ?

Babaji: you are being funny ?

Girls supposed to be like a girl, even if you wear a uniform. They got those composure magazine has a lot of things they say...so if you take off the contact, you cannot see in the fog of all that steaming room? You cannot see your butt to be honest but you can see the vaginal down there? See how you pee? If the period comes, the blood actually drip to the urinary track, I actually found that out, I have to have to clean the tip of that urinary track, where the pee comes out, there be very thorough, because the blood just goes there. And they sip on the urinary track so the pee actually is the blood color. I have no idea how that position I sit could happen that, do you wipe the blood all the way to that tip where you pee? Not just the vaginal. Do you look? Or they all just a smear of big red blood clotting on your pads, you only took that off and replace with the new pads? So you don’t use the public toilet tissues in the US that’s unlimited ...just use use use use them? The bathroom is all yours!

Babaji: I don’t think so.

What do you mean you don’t think so ?

Babaji: well ... ...

You say things I cannot hear or understand it.

Babaji: well ... ...

Never mind. 

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