
About Babaji, military girls, if there is next time, you still have to call the guys, “Ask guys”


Babaji: “what do you mean”, “I don’t understand”

... ... I am saying if there is a next time that Babaji kidnap someone and that someone claim things like I Anna did, you all girls need to go handing the conversation to the Guys, over their side. They know what kind of person that Babaji is. And to be honest it’s because I Anna write them down first of all, second, how exactly she wrote them down, because people’s thoughts by doing these conversation dialogue is not normal. You have to demonstrate a lot of things, the guys side have enough people to evaluate all that from now on.

Babaji: no they don’t understand it. 

The guys knows what did Babaji did, because Anna mumbling a lot. She didn’t have a business establish herself, she is the one went out to do everything, there is a part that she creates everything, there is a part Babaji or Ancient Chasez facilitate in, you don’t mix up everyone does what on their skills means. 

Babaji: oh, I don’t have skills, you mean?

No, the guys know exactly what skill you Babaji have, you establish directly behind Anna in the world both have no name, it’s like a guy gambling on a girl to go out doing all the biding and in the end he wins.

Babaji: No, I don’t gamble. I know. 

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