
Facebook friends

 Babaji: Wallace is your guard, you say to him you were traveling when you return here. Does he know where you been to?

I told him Kentucky and Buffalo.

Babaji: oh ~ Facebook exists when you just landed in Buffalo, there is a jealous Dean put you on Facebook, so you have a Facebook.

A what?

Babaji: that’s just how people talk to find out who are you if they are interested in you.

Me and Dean didn’t have anything, the last thousands times I am saying that.

Babaji: you went to Buffalo to start a new life, okay, the military got that, you have an immediate life.

What’s an immediate life?

Babaji: your entire Facebook IS your life. 

What’s that Facebook to do with my life?

Babaji: to see whom has friends more?

I just met them, I told you. Many we just seen each other.

Babaji: you want to explain during fucking or you explain now?

I join the clubs, I went to the community service, I join another clubs, there were girls Melinda and I go hanging out to be the best friends, and I have school classroom friends in the honor class, or Jonathon opening a club, but I didn’t add them Facebook ? Did I ?

Babaji: you just date it Tamang 

A kiss, that’s not a date.

Babaji: you don’t ever to tell Keanu about it on the movies or on his news why you went blister on 26?

That’s was because he was in French. I read that file in Da Vinci time.

Babaji: you jealous ?

Can we don’t bother to talk about it?

Babaji: I am asking you where are all these local kids you land it in disguise, no one knows you are from Taiwan and Karen just shows up in the immigration office here? Do you ever talk about it why she just shows up in Taiwan?

No.I have no idea why she went there, I later thought it must be bank sending her there? Now I think it’s not. Their banking system in Buffalo cannot stop bankcrapcy at my banks, I switch how many banks...

Babaji: Karen, is she popular in school?

Yes. She has a lot of friends in high school.

Babaji: I meant in college  

I don’t know, she has us CAC girls and she got a bf from the high school. They got married, then she moved.

Babaji: so do you know how many friends she got from the college, not from high school?

Of course not. I check her recent Facebook, she makes other news friends at works.

Babaji: oh. I guess no one knows what Aries sign is.

Are we done with my past?

Babaji: your one past. Did you tell Dean you are from Taiwan, you don’t speak English there.

Of course not. 

Babaji: so you disguise as one of them, look like them, dress like the, clubs like them?

Disguise ?

Babaji: you went into a new completely alienate place called Buffalo, alone from Kentucky you had a host family.

It’s just a school I go to.

Babaji: Mark is ABC, he went to school.

You mean Dean was looking for my past from Taiwan?

Babaji: did he ever know you had a past, why did he go to exchange student programs? Did you tell him you were in Kentucky foreigner exchange program?

I actually don’t remember these details anymore. 

Babaji: does Dean know you were in Kentucky had a bf?

Yes, the classroom probably heard me saying that, there was another Justin near by. Dean was next by. I said I had a bf, yeah.

Babaji: and on Facebook? 

No he is not on my Facebook.

Babaji:Your Kentucky past like NSYNC don’t know where you say you would sing talents come from ? Or Simon doesn’t know the past of the past of another past ?

I am not in touch with them, so of course I don’t have any of their Facebook. 

Babaji: you have photos.

Yeah, I show to the bank I have a crisis.I am sure the military or the classify could see it, I was not by myself.

Babaji: you don’t ever explain to Justin what Madrical he sings himself the words that you mumbling explained or to Prince William or Simon?

Can you just tell me what’s all theses I had a past is my own life, I didn’t have a Facebook to record it?

Babaji: don’t get smart with me. I am asking you a question, where were you doing what in the school?

I told everyone the same thing, I was the exchange student, so I attend their high school.

Babaji: and you stole the song in front of everyone from American Anthem. Do you want to hear that yourself how to say it right to the military or the classify? You could steal something and in decades no one ever knew you had stole it, and one day becomes the deadest weapons to fight evils? On everyone else monitor?

I was not fighting evils.

Babaji: then what were you doing on the Porcelin doll? You thought the military or the classify is like you, never look up the past to see how did you just turn around to become 3 Esteen  or facing which direction ?

The US direction ... okay, I understand what you are saying now. I was that direction then becomes the opposite...

Babaji: did they ever tell you about it?

No. I am not looking at them. I have no ideas why would the military or the classify would go and play my Facebook.

Babaji: these guys you are going to sleep with has no access to your past, you are betting on Facebook Valley company they all hash hash at it.


Babaji: good jobs. 

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