
Khan, he might be the one, which one, I don’t know.

 Babaji: there is a list of things to say, write it down.

1. He got trapped by AMerican 200 years demoncratic legal system not to synchronize with the 2000 years magic book Bible, that’s 1/10

2. He does not have a Purna internal wire or her disciple external power dreams, vision, life miracles. Something is dialing.

3. He says Khan, language in English, subject in Education, 

Khan is a Chinese military establishment ? He wants to target the US military or he just guessing at it the niche?

His subjects : none-profit organization to teach education, not spirituality, there is no spirituality calling him, or he cannot give up his education for some reasons to find the calling.

He might have a serious foundation problem

He could be chinese, Indian, or Christianity

This whole life he can never be woke up. He is asleep.

He wants to use the education methods to control military by turning black background to the eyes since the youth.

He is seeking profit, not none-profit. He is gambling the US territory to hear Khan name to drawn to ????

Babaji: the list go on, write yourself. 


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