
Your girls will rule a nation before going back to Eben-like person like that guy in the legally blonde ?

 ... I didn’t say I don’t like Eben. Two people live a life, do you ever live a life with another person ? Wake up in the morning, have a talk, have a kiss good morning, staying in the bed, because we didn’t sleep on the same bed ? We live one life together with a trust to do that every life, so next life I got dropped somewhere, I have to find my way back quick, because I want to be with him. You would be stopped somewhere if there are more charming people around? No ...Eben is charming enough for me. We just didn’t know each other yet. You need to have a real life with someone first, live like you both have a life interests, not using each other. There is a wedding vow I gonna say to him. You wish to date Dean or Tamang type ? New found doctor groups? I am not contempt them...do you meet them both in person? You should. No you won’t hurt me. They will both hurt you when you talk to them. I know who they are, okay? Do you like NSYNC? Mind me to mapping your mind .... ...you like Seth, Dean, SIlas, Bill and Patrick better from the local groups from the Facebook ? If you have a choice? You don’t want to deal with the classify, too complicated. They are too?? Expressive ? Threatening ? You like One Direction ? Simon managing groups, they belong under Syco. They can change their top Simon all the time, so no more Simon? You would think about this questions. I told you Tamang plays gun with his tall gf and posts gun equipment as he is a gun man. If TIm Cook found that out, do you mind to explain to him why your choice going back to Tamang at all like my case if you were me? He didn’t do it on purpose that anyone is watching ? I don’t think so! Think about it.

Babaji: do you miss Eben?

30 mins ago. Now it’s not bad. I have no ideas what he is doing ...

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