
Will I get jealous if I see them scared all the time? You mean I tear them apart like the Russian finds me 1000 scientists on a Chemical formula ?

 Oh I know exactly what I done. They are scared. They are state school kids. They are competitions in with all kinds of background medical students. All kinds !! I saw a Asian doctor do surgeon on removing stuffs on the television, those big big lipo stuffs? You don’t know what panic means on every sewing methods on live? On camera? She has to ensure first if that can be done, when to say cut it? On the finger like a ring? You imagine everything can be removed. She has to touch and feel where those lipo stuffs hide at, remove completely with the secs or lining at it. If they remain, they will grow back. I imagine looking that myself ? I did do a sewing class, not for the medical. Gods knows why they have that show up on my screen. Tamang does a surgical works...oh ...he is? I see. There is a lot of “I see”. Oh yes, the professional will think you should know how to do that on the first day like you are a professional.

Babaji: your field too.

When I kills people, I will get that details clearly why they should be dead. 

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