
She 方方 likes the donuts or the ice topping on my monitor ?

 I eat one when I buy them now. One. Not a box. Yeah I put the ice sugar syrup cube they display on the counter for EVERYONE copy me would go and dump and touch that entire thing set up counter. There is napkin, there is this and that...it’s you standing there. I. It’s all mine. To look like a normal human eating a donut. Yes, the sugar cube syrups...I use napkin to lay down that paper wrap donuts? Because if you break that paper, you need some napkin to pick it up again when the syrup goes on the top including on the paper? It’s something you love what you eat to do? Dump a lot of sugar syrup ? Yeah, it’s one donut. It’s 50 dollars here ...for one donut ? That’s barbarian...

Babaji: you like the Website, Anna?

I like every website I make, of course, why I making them?

Babaji: Do you think Eben likes it too?

...I didn’t really think he cares so much about a website but after you say all that, he examines the website. He does frames, not necessary saying images or background color that much. Or there is a frame first ...layout to get the story right. I don’t know what he sees.

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