
Eben says your father says you have a lot of habits issues.

 Get drunk to wake up at moon habit ? I never had that. You all kids don’t look like that to have a parents like yours. I didn’t hear anything from the news. Your mother clean the bathroom? My mother clean the bathroom. Yeah. She cleans my floor too. Habits ...reading words between lines on a book your parents don’t know your eyes skip the words or the image on purpose? Does your parents tell you I used to work on other’s lab? I don’t need to see what she is writing line by line? I was just sitting in front of her? It’s not she don’t come, she should not come back...you skip words on purpose ? You look that’s 3 books every page ? Everyone is on the exactly 3 same books. You like to skip the lines or the words because you read in English I cannot find you in Chinese? Do you want to get a session in organic one video doing some talking and compare to mine like selection from your father whom might seen that channel to get all the materials he needs? You start from zero?

Babaji: they two.

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