
⭐️⭐️⭐️A lot of thing may not be real, but mild girls play games that’s real, you didn’t work⭐️⭐️⭐️

 The US system is more average girls all have to works. Asian it’s just chaotic. I am supported by my parents. In the US, the guys do plumbing, electrian. I was at the border, I had looked at their application. You don’t go to them, you just apply online. It’s nothing around there. You won’t like it very much. Girls should have too much self-proclaim quality unless you really keep your memory holded. You ask the guys to do a lot of thing like Tina is horrendous. Hank cannot just sit down on his ipad for a minute with a TV on because she was vaccum the floor and be in the kitchen. She does it on purpose, my entire trip in California was horrible to any degree I can describe. She has to be served. It’s every 5 minutes no one can do work, no one. This is very very bad. The guys limbs are longer too, you don’t see them laying down to be lazy ...if I am very tall, I hate the shorty that’s lazy. Oh yes, there are so many ways seeing you lazy around. You are doing it on purpose. A lot of things I say it’s true. Actually all of it, except between me and Eben, a lot of things he shows up, I talk. They know that, I know that.

Babaji: He thinks of you, what do you think Lala as an Indian ?

All girls in that society all are about the same, her phone if he is caring for the kids. If he saw she is typing, he sees it. She smiles at it and put it in the pocket ...girls don’t say straight thing they need, that’s very very annoying to me. Yeah, if I am Tesla, I know I am Tesla.

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