
NSYNC made a lot of money, Simon, Keanu, Levine, Eben ...they all did. Eben brings Dean to see me? They 5? They were out from a state school

 No, they don’t make that much money. Dean if seeing that, he is like a girl getting things for his wants. Same as Tamang, they both have their parents, you can see it, if they show your they got parents, both showed it to me, they NEED their parents. I don’t know what that means? They ask their mother, can you do something for me today, I am at school? Oh dear...what did he say ? You are a boy, a student middle school hi Kimberly ? They just got taller. If that medical board saw they have other students on their profile below ...it’s every years US medical students look all like that? That’s student looking to me. Not from my school. They are just being reviewed wherever they were. Oh, I can see their photo fine.

Babaji: What’s the medical board expecting from them?

To see all of them looking like I saw? I don’t know people study for cramping methods ...so they only see patience neh? I would get a hospital empty, we hire actors, you do exactly I say so. You will be a brilliant doctors following these steps.

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