
Dean and Ola stays in the school another 7 years. You know when Nescape, IBM exist, Google search, Meta search engine starts?

 Apple, Facebook, social media interface, Google blogger...it’s Silicon Valley, you suppose to glue on the map with them. Steve Jobs die on that map. Taiwan is a high tech country, we rely on high tech, so every kid knows goes to Valley if you get in. It’s known it’s known it’s very known. I went there, for that big project building they build 5 years ago, you can see they are building the houses and you can see with your eyes, who are they there. If you have money, you can turn upside down that entire place. I been there I know the road. Steve Jobs gives a very simple instruction where they are. It’s just 2 parallel main road from west to east. I can see the mountain. Both end I drove to...no east...grave yards nobody there dangerous ....west it will end with a rock? Look on the map. It’s south of an exit going down leaving the Valley. You suppose to land in a hotel to ask the guy I am new here where is Silicon Valley. I spent all my money there, oh, I remember everything. You can afford it, it’s nothing nothing nothing ...just go around and eat and look, pretending you are buying there. See what they have. They are known as Valley, we are basin here Taipei. It’s just elevation different, if they rain. I know the mountain is on the East that one I can see it. You suppose to all kids know Valley is everything. All the time. If you hear me saying it once, twice, you should pay attention, not turning cold on me. There is a Standford there...I didn’t think ...Steve jobs went there ? Right next to Apple, that’s Standford ? It has some distance from the Apple. You live through every hotel. You cannot possibly don’t know which road don’t have a hotel, that slander road, that’s it. It’s one slander road to Standard. Very very simple. 

Babaji: Standford neh?


Babaji: any student you see?

... at night, no. In the morning your illusion to break a lab whole pieces windows completely, that’s a student. He will freak out, of course not. Those mobile things whatever you were saying ...

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